"Design is the intermediary between information and understanding."

— Hans Hoffman, artist and teacher

I believe in the power of design to change the world, for better or worse.

Therefore, as a designer, I have a responsibility to create designs that make the world better, to make it easier to navigate, to make it more comprehensible, to stem the tide of cluttered chaos and misinformation.  

some cool facts

Numbers speak for themselves

Years of Experience
Programs/Systems Used
Design Courses Taught

Design is more than pixel-pushing and pretty pictures. It touches on how everything we make interacts with the world.

why I do it

As the child of a programmer/scientist and a teacher/artist, it follows that I would become a designer with a love for discovering and sharing knowledge.
That’s why for me, the greatest use of design is to help us better understand our world, how it works, and how to navigate it. To that end, I prefer projects that aim to inform and teach, so we can get to the heart of what is good and important, and ultimately help us be better people.

my philosophy

Graphic design solves problems related to information, whether making a first impression, grabbing attention, or provoking action. Sometimes design trades some problems for other ones, but designers strive to minimize those trade-offs and come up with the best solution for the project. To that end, my designs gravitate toward simplicity and openness, with flat colors and sweeping gradients and white space that reinforce the central message.

“I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.”

— Lindo Leader, graphic designer and creator of the FedEx logo

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